Friday, June 29, 2012

                                                                     Just a Sip
So just sitting here missing people ive grown accustomed to being in my life. You know its actually quite funny because in the beginning i was really worried about how much this person would annoy me and as it turns out i really miss having her around.  But thats not really why i got on to write... i got on because lately ive been thinking a lot about the simple little moment in life and how much of an impact they make on our whole life. For example, i have never a "drink" in my life and i hopefully never will. However this is something ive always lived by and it was never question or tried.  But now a days temptation is every where i turn "just take one sip" "try a little" "have a drink" the list goes on. The bad part of this all is not that people are offering me drinks but that i actually really want some. Now im not saying i would like to drink on a regular basis or end up like the rest of my alcoholic family but i just want a little bit... because for that brief moment when someone hands me a shot or a cup it seems so innocent just a drink. just a taste. and for that moment i forget. the pain. the suffering. the lives alcohol has consumed and i really want to grab that glass and swig it down just to show them i can. However, thats not life. life comes with consequences and i pray that even in those small moments i will stay strong and i will not forget what comes after the harmless "taste"